
Thursday, August 25, 2005

The 11 commandment

Have always thought that 'The 10 Commandments' should have included this one as well...(In which case it would become 'The 11 Commandments'..but what the hell..)
"Thou shalt be happy and enjoy your life"
Be good and don't covet and steal and all that.........just don't forget to have a great life along the way.

The million dollar question, for the purposes of this post, - what make us happy?

"Why all the psychoanalysing?" you ask....Its a very selfish motive thats behind this session of introspection.
For the past week or so I have found myself incredibly happy....I have laughed at the overflowing contents of my laundry bag...celebrated (with great gusto) my miserable performance at the demo P.D. with a hot fudge sundae...completely stopped worrrying about that erupting zit near my cheek and dismissed any and all concers over the ravaged state of my cupboard....I have not felt angry( what the hell is that supposed to mean???) or guilty(shit...i haven't started preps and the mid sems are around the corner...) or annoyed(fine then, do what you want) ....

I have looked at everything with new eyes..realised that I have so, so, much more to say and think and do... I haven't complained about the completely pointless existence I lead here....I have my to-do list choc a bloc with things to acomplish and I actually think...somewhere..somehow things will..... things will work out.Happiness, is a state of mind....its choosing to disregard the annoying little wriggly worms of doubt and unhappiness and gloom its turning around and sticking your(my) tongue out at all the doubts and misgivings that you(I) carry...its realising that at the end of the day, it pays to be happy and that you can forgive yourself..really..theres all the time in the world to become rich and famous and successful...being 18 can't wait.The reflection in the mirror looks so much better when its smiling.

more on this later...
Partly due to my new state of euphoria, I am currently bunking class and will have to rush back for the next(completely futile) lecture.
Que sera sera..................................................................


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